Monday, January 18, 2010

Tip #3 How to: Have a secret friend in Facebook

facebook logo secret friends pic
This is a tip i came across the other day while searching for useful tips for bestfacebooktips blog. Actually, it is a trick that helps you have a secret friend on Facebook (by saying secret friend i mean someone that remains unknown to your other Facebook friends). As i said i copied this tip, it's not mine and i don't take any credit for it. I found it in a Facebook group with very interesting tips. The author of this tip-trick is some guy called Matthew. Read the tip below.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

#2 Magic Tip: See a stylish lens flare in your facebook profile

Do you want to view your facebook profile in style or to change your mood a little for today. This facebook magic tip will totally work. After you have successfully completed this tip you will notice a very stylish lens flare when you are on your facebook profile.
Here is the tip:
Step 1:You will use a combination of keys to complete this trick. Just click the buttons i'll tell you with this exact form. Let's go: Arrow keys:"Up", "Up", "Down", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Left", "Right" after that, the keys "b", "a" and then just hit "Enter". If you did right this key combination it should have worked.
Have fun.

Tip #1 How to: Chat with your Facebook friends using Firefox Sidebar

chat facebook friends sidebar firefox
We all like to chat via Facebook Chat application with our Facebook Friends. Wouldn't be just perfect to continue chatting even if we aren't at a Facebook's page? The following Facebook tip helps you do exactly that. Chat with your friends while not at Facebook.(Warning:This tip was made with Firefox. The settings should me similar with other browsers).